WhatsApp Message Template Compliance

  • Parikshit Goenka
    by Parikshit Goenka
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  • 06 min read
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  • May 20, 2023

Get started with WhatsApp Message Template Compliance

To maintain a high-quality user experience, WhatsApp has established strict Message Template Guidelines.

WhatsApp requires all message templates be approved before they can be used to send marketing messages to users. Message templates that don't meet the criteria or usage guidelines will be rejected, and can't be used.

Best practices for writing WhatsApp templates
  • Template purpose should be clear, concise, and well-written.
  • Ensure there are no spelling mistakes or grammatical errors in the message templates. Although templates with minor punctuation errors may be approved, it is best avoided. Proof read to ensure the message are free of errors and clearly understandable.
  • Refrain from using shortened URLs (bit.ly, short.ly etc.) as these URLs wouldn't provide information on the exact destination of the URL.
  • Ensure you include a link to your AirMenus digital menu to build trust with your customer.
  • The message template should't request any sensitive information from the customer (such as Credit Card Number, Address, Bank Account Number, etc.)
  • Don't use abusive or threatening content in the message template.
  • Don't create a duplicate of the existing template.
  • The message template shouldn't violate WhatsApp's commerce policy.
  • Template body cannot have more than two consecutive \n newline characters.
What to do if your template get rejected?

Even after ensuring you follow all the best practices, your message templates might get rejected.

The submitted and rejected message templates can’t be edited. However, you can correct the policy issues in your template by reviewing the rejection reason and submit a new template.

Template message status and other details are available on your AirMenus Partner Dashboard.

If you are a registered AirMenus Partner and need help with your WhatsApp campaigns, connect with AirMenus Support team.

Parikshit Goenka

Parikshit Goenka

Parikshit Goenka is a Co-Founder at AirMenus. Prior to AirMenus, Parikshit worked in the founders' office at AgroStar and began his career at AB InBev. You can find Parikshit on LinkedIn